// Nothing
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
public class Nothing : MonoBehaviour
private enum GameState
private GameState currentState;
private float inactivityTime;
private float startupPeriod = 1f;
private float stateChangeTime;
public TMP_Text timerText;
private string nothingLabel = "Nothing";
private string somethingLabel = "Something";
protected bool didSomething
if (!Input.anyKeyDown && !Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Input.touchCount <= 0 && !(Input.acceleration != Vector3.zero) && Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") == 0f)
return Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") != 0f;
return true;
private void Start()
timerText.text = "Press any key to start doing " + nothingLabel + "\n";
private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
switch (currentState)
case GameState.NotStarted:
if (Input.anyKeyDown)
currentState = GameState.InProgress;
stateChangeTime = Time.time;
else if (Time.time >= startupPeriod)
timerText.text = "Press any key to start doing " + nothingLabel + "\n";
case GameState.InProgress:
timerText.text = "You have been doing " + nothingLabel + " for\n" + TimeTextFormatted() + "\n";
inactivityTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (Time.time - stateChangeTime >= 1f && didSomething)
stateChangeTime = Time.time;
currentState = GameState.GameOver;
case GameState.GameOver:
timerText.text = "You did " + somethingLabel + ", you lost\n You did " + nothingLabel + " for " + TimeTextFormatted();
if (Time.time - stateChangeTime >= 1f && Input.anyKeyDown)
private void ResetGame()
currentState = GameState.NotStarted;
inactivityTime = 0f;
timerText.text = "Press any key to start doing " + nothingLabel + "\n";
stateChangeTime = Time.time;
private string TimeTextFormatted()
int num = (int)inactivityTime;
int num2 = num / 86400;
num %= 86400;
int num3 = num / 3600;
num %= 3600;
int num4 = num / 60;
num %= 60;
string text = "";
if (num2 > 0)
text = text + num2 + ((num2 == 1) ? " day" : " days") + ", ";
if (num3 > 0)
text = text + num3 + ((num3 == 1) ? " hour" : " hours") + ", ";
if (num4 > 0)
text = text + num4 + ((num4 == 1) ? " minute" : " minutes") + ", ";
return text + num + ((num == 1) ? " second" : " seconds");